Navratna Complex is one of the localities in Udaipur. The pincode of this locality is 313001. This locality is near Fatehpura, Mahaveer Colony Park and Bhuwana. This locality has 5+ properties to buy. The residents of Navratna Complex rated this locality at 3.8/5 in terms of connectivity, whereas for safety, they rated it 3.8/5.
Shrinath travel bus stand, Udaipur Bus Stand, Ranapratap nagar railway station connect Navratna Complex to rest of the city.
Niharika Hospital, Srinath Orthopaedic Hospital, Triveni Hospital and Research Center are the popular medical centres nearby. Art school ensures good education infrastructure in the locality. Residents also enjoy access to leading shopping hubs such as Fatehpura Vegetable Market, Tibetan Market,.
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